How to Draw Keisuke Baji Tokyo Revengers Step by Step Tutorial
Ken Wakui’s Tokyo Revengers manga series and later released
anime adaptation rose to popularity almost instantly. Fire plot with badass
action and fascinating character build up – what’s not to fawn over in a
shounen anime? There has even been a crazy hike in the number of female fans
due to how attractive the characters and the art style are. One of these
amazingly attractive and badass characters is Keisuke Baji. Although he is
extremely short lived and a mere side character, there are reasons we can’t
help but feel some type of way for him. Let’s talk about Keisuke Baji in this article.
In the second generation of the “age of the delinquents”, 15
year old Keisuke Baji was the First Division Captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang
and one of its founding members, along with Draken, Mikey, Pahchin, Kazutora
and Mitsuya. The only relative of his that we know of, is his mother, whose
name is unknown, also whom he doesn’t get along with.
Baji, as the first division's captain of the Tokyo Manji
Gang, has authority and command over his entire platoon, as well as Chifuyu
Matsuno, his vice-captain whom he has always held very dear to heart. As for
his position in Valhalla gang, it’s not mentioned. It is a testament to Baji's
strength that despite facing several strong opponents single-handedly, he can
hold his own against them. In addition, his endurance is extremely impressive. With
a single punch to the face, Baji defeated Mandala's leader in the past, the
wall he slammed into was cracked as a result.
Baji was the main reason why the Toman or Tokyo Manji gang
was created. When in school, Baji was getting ambushed by gang members so Mikey
decided to create the gang to protect Baji. Thus the Toman Gang was created.
Mikey being the strongest member and the leader of the gang, was teased by the others
for riding a lame moped. So Baji and Kazutora decided to break into a local
bike shop and steal Mikey’s dream to present it to him, not knowing the bike
shop owner was Mikey’s own brother Shinichiro Sano. Upon being caught, Kazutora
hit Shinichiro in the head and accidentally killing him without knowing who he
actually was, which resulted in Baji and Kazutora being sentenced to time in juvenile.
Since returning from juvenile, Baji has constantly been trying to get Mikey to
forgive Kazutora. After that, at one point Baji leaves Toman and joins a rival
gang called Valhalla, although that was to infiltrate the gang to save Kazutora
from the venomous eyes of Kisaki Tetta, nobody knew that at the time thinking
he betrayed Toman. To earn Kisaki’s trust he acts splendidly, going as far as
beating up Chifuyu. However, later when Kazutora finds out about his intentions,
he stabs Baji which wasn’t fatal but he collapses which makes Mikey very angry
and he starts beating Kazutora with full intention to kill him. However, Baji
gets up and tells Mikey that Kazutora’s stab wound won’t kill him and opens up
his switchblade and stabs himself, asking mikey to forgive Kazutora because he
was not getting killed by him. In his dying moment Baji confirms to Takemichi
that Kisaki is the real enemy of Toman Gang. The extreme blood loss ends up
killing him finally, ensuring his loyalty and ultimate sacrifice.
As for the first step, you need to draw the basic guidelines which include a circle, a vertical straight line and four horizontal straight lines parallel to each other. These guidelines are going to work as the base of Baji’s face.
Now you have to draw the front locks and hairline of Baji’s long jet black hair.
In this step, you’re gonna have to draw Baji’s eyes and eyebrows on the inside of the first and second parallel lines, slightly slanted, as shown in the picture.
This simple step requires you to draw Baji’s nose and lips in his signature playful smirk.
It is a relatively complicated step in which you have to draw the lower part of the face which includes the jaw and chin and the entirety of Baji’s hair, straight but wavy at the ends. Attentively follow the picture for accurate results.
As for this step, you have to draw the upper part of Baji’s body which includes his neck, shoulders and clothes.
All you have to do in this step is to erase the guidelines, leaving out only the outlines of your drawing.
In this step you have to just apply base colours to your Baji artwork as shown in the picture.
This step requires you to add shades to the skin, as shown in the picture, to give the drawing a light and shadow effect.
For this step, you’re gonna have to darken the shades of Baji’s bronze eyes and put more shades wherever needed to add more depth to your drawing.
This is another relatively difficult step and also the last one, where you have to add darker layers of colours to the hair to make it look more accurate and realistic.
At this point your Baji artwork is ready for the world to
see. We hope the tutorial was helpful enough for you. Let us know in the
comments your thoughts on this article and your favourite Tokyo Revengers
moments and characters. Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe. I’ll see you
on the next one.