How to Draw Hinata Hyuga
– 1
Start off with drawing your basic guidelines which are going to work as Hinata’s face, the Anbu mask that she’s wearing & the upper part of her body.
– 2
For this step, draw straight lines within the circle to locate her eyes & mouth on the face.
– 3
Now that you have the basic shape of her face, which is the circle itself, draw the outline of the front layer of her hair & the Anbu mask.
– 4
This step requires you to draw the most important part of her face, which are the eyes. Using the upper two straight lines as your guide, draw the eyes, make it a little bit slanted.
– 5
For this step, draw the rest of her face, nose & mouth.
– 6
In this step, you’re gonna have to draw the outline for her neck, shoulders & the Anbu uniform on the shoulders & upper part of her body.
– 7
Now draw the lower or the back layer of her hair
– 8
In this step, draw the katana sword on the back of her right shoulder & the detailing on the Anbu mask.
– 9
Now you have the complete outline for your drawing. Darken the outlines using any tool of your choice & erase the excess rough work.
– 10
For the final step, put shades & colour to complete your drawing.